Is Conformist Behavior Related to Boreout?

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Ayşe Gökçen-Kapusuz
Ümit Şalvarcı


Background. The main reason for conducting such a study is to find the answer to the question of whether the boredom they experience at work is behind these behaviors in business life, where individuals push themselves into the background rather than using their right to speak. In this context, understanding the concept of conformism, which is new in the literature, and analyzing its relationships with relevant variables will contribute to the literature.

Aim. The aim of this study is to investigate whether conformist behaviors that individuals frequently encounter and are exposed to in business life are related to boreout experienced for some reasons.

Method. In this context, through a relational model designed according to the quantitative research method, the research data obtained from the teachers' sample (n = 325) were subjected to statistical analyses and the findings were reported.

Findings. The independent variable boreout and its all-sub-dimensions have a significant and positive contribution to explaining conformist behaviors. 60% of the variance in conformist behaviors can be explained by boredom/boreout at work. Individuals exhibit more conformist behavior by questioning their work, development and meaning due to the boredom they experience.

Conclusion. The increase in boreout level of employees, which arises for some reasons in the work environment, will be effective in employees' ability to express their opinions, express their thoughts, and decrease their participation in decisions, in other words, to increase their conformist behaviors. Because individuals want to be comfortable in the work environment where they spend most of their days and not to encounter factors that will cause boredom in order to be able to express themselves and put forward an idea on a subject.

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How to Cite
Gökçen-Kapusuz, A., & Şalvarcı, Ümit. (2024). Is Conformist Behavior Related to Boreout?. Journal of Management Archive, 1(1), 15–25.
  • Abstract 209
  • PDF 73


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